Home > News > Campaigns > Carers Week 2018 – Healthy and Connected

11-17 June is Carers Week. Across the country, many groups and associations are organising events to support carers to remain healthy and connected. Find out here what’s going on in your area .

Caring can be deeply rewarding, bringing people closer together and giving carers a sense of fulfilment and wellbeing. But caring for others often comes at a cost to carers’ own health and wellbeing as they put their own needs down the list of priorities. And when caring comes to an end because the person being cared for has died, life can feel terribly empty. The carer is facing the loss of the person they cared for and also often the loss of their role, purpose and identity.

It’s important to encourage carers to look after themselves and to stay healthy and connected not just while they are caring, but afterwards too. Looking after health, friendships, interests and involvements can help carers adjust to life without the person they cared for.

We’re working with NHS England to look at examples of good practice in support for former carers: clubs, emotional support, social activities and practical advice. We want to share these as widely as possible so that other areas can learn what would be good to have in place. Please let us know about good examples in your area.